John Liebler - DNAToday is DNA Day. From Wikipedia:

DNA Day is a holiday celebrated on April 25. It commemorates the day in 1953 when James Watson, Francis Crick, Maurice Wilkins, Rosalind Franklin and colleagues published papers in the journal Nature on the structure of DNA. Furthermore, on that day in 2003 it was declared that the Human Genome Project was very close to complete. “The remaining tiny gaps are considered too costly to fill.”

They probably just filled it in with frog DNA. What could possibly go wrong?

Anyway, here’s a render of some DNA that I made just for the occasion. the structures come from pdb 1AOI. in this pdb the dna is coiled around a histone, as it would be when it is all packed into the nucleosome, but I’ve omitted the histone in this render. It’s not Histone Day after all.

also Jonathan Coulton will teach you how to spell DNA.